- 南京老城保护与更新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2006)02-0077-05
- 中图分类号:TU984.11 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:严为洁(1981- ),女,汉族,福建福州人,南京大学城市资源学系,人文地
- 南京民国城市风貌调查及其保护规划研究
- Investigation and Planning Research on View protection of Republic of China in Nanjing
- 浏览量:
- 严为洁 姚亦峰
- YAN Wei-jie YAO Yi-feng
- 摘要:
南京民国文化是南京历史上三大文化之一,其城市建设更是具有全国性意义,在中国文化史上起到承前启后、融贯中西的作用。通过大量对现存民国时期建筑、道路和功能分区的调查,对城市风貌各微观要素做出实际评价。运用国际国内历史街区保护的准则,评价民国历史风貌保护的优势和劣势,提出应该注重现有规划中忽视的可视性、可达性、可意象性、元素符号和控制区界定等方面。 - 关键词:
保护规划;南京;民国; - Abstract: The culture in period of the Republic of China is one of the three greatest culture in Nanjing history, while the urban construction is of national-wide value. It connected the old days with the modern times, also connected the Chinese culture with western culture. By investigating with existing buildings, roads and functional diversion, practical assessments of urban view elements are given. Using the rules of internal and international on historic place protection, we assess the advantages and disadvantages of view protection, and notice the aspects of visualable, accessible, imaginative, element and assignment, and the definition of control areas.
- Key words: historical view; planning; Nanjing; period of Republic of China
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