- 城市房地产
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2006)02-0033-04
- 中图分类号:F293.3 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:王延龙,大连理工大学土木与水利学院工程管理教研室;
- 用可负担能力指数分析我国城镇居民购房负担能力
- To Analyze the Price of the Priced House in China from 1998-2004 by Using Housing Affordability Index
- 浏览量:
- 王延龙 宋永发 许传斌
- WANG Yan-long SONG Yong-fa XU Chuan-bin
- 摘要:
结合我国最近7年房地产市场实际情况,借鉴国外所用的可负担能力指数理论来验证全国以及北京和上海1998~2004年房价,得出当前我国商品住宅总体上处于可负担水平;北京的房价如此高使得指数一直低于可负担水平但可负担指数在逐渐提高;上海的房价最近两年上涨太快使得指数剧烈下降,由2002年的可负担下降到2003年和2004年的不可负担水平,最后给出相应分析。 - 关键词:
可负担能力指数;贷款资格收入;中位收入家庭;中位住宅价格; - Abstract: Housing Affordability Index is used for investigating the affordability of median-income household in the market of housing for the media-priced home .By integrating the reality of housing market for recent seven years in our country and referring the theory of Housing Affordability Index in foreign countries, this paper tests and verifies the house price in Beijing, Shanghai and the whole country,concluding that the priced house in our country is generally affordable. The price in Beijing has been so high that the Index has been lower than the affordable state while it抯 Index is gradually increasing. The price of real estate in Shanghai increases so fast that its affordability index is dramatically declining in recent two years, from the affordability in the year of 2002 to the unaffordable state in the year of 2003 and 2004. In the last section of this paper, a corresponding analysis is presented.
- Key words: Housing Affordability Index; income needed to quality; median household income; median-priced home
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