- 城市循环经济
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2006)02-0011-04
- 中图分类号:F290 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:河北省教育厅2005年科研项目《河北省城市化与城市生态系统》(编号:2005405);石家庄经济学院科技基金项目《城市生态经济的安全性、可持续性和循环性研究》(编号:X-G0504)
- 作者简介:吕科建(1981-),男,浙江丽水人,石家庄经济学院科技处工作,主要从事城市生态安全与可持续发展方向的研究工作;
- 实施可持续发展战略是工业城市的必然选择
- To Realize Sustainable Development Strategy the Necessary Choice of Industrial City
- 浏览量:
- 吕科建 段盼盼 陈颖
- LV Ke-jian DUAN Pan-pan CHEN Ying
- 摘要:
实施以循环利用为主的可持续工业发展战略是对我国城市工业发展规律的正确认识,是对城市工业发展方向的正确把握。该战略的有效实施对于促进人与自然的和谐、工业发展和城市生态建设的同步,推动节约型城市和和谐社会的建设都具有重大的现实意义。 - 关键词:
可持续;工业发展;循环;生态安全; - Abstract: To realize sustainable strategy of industrial development is a correct notion to the industrial development law of Chinese cities, and is also a hit to the trend of urban industrial development. The effective implementation of the strategy is of great practical importance to make the harmony of human and nature, the synchronization of industrial development and urban ecological building, and the construction of economic city and harmony society.
- Key words: sustainable; industrial development; circular; ecological security
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