- 城市化
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2006)03-0039-06
- 中图分类号:F291.1 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:李震(1978-),男,汉族,河南商丘人,南京大学城市与资源学系硕士研究生,研究方向为城市与区域规划。
- 1990年代我国省区间城市化进程的差异研究——基于第五次人口普查口径的分析
- The Provincial Differentiation Analysis of Urbanization in China Based on the Fifth National Census in 1990s
- 浏览量:
- 李震
- LI Zhen
- 摘要:
1990年以来,我国进入了城市化的快速发展时期,本文主要对我国20世纪90年代各省区的城市化进程进行比较分析。鉴于1990年和2002年我国各城镇人口统计的口径不一,按照双轨城市化的概念,本文先对我国1990年代各地区的城市化水平进行调整,然后与各地区历年的经济发展水平(以人均GDP来表示)进行相关分析,得到1990年代我国各省区城市化进程的五种演变类型。结果表明:由于经济发展水平和速度的差异,我国省区间城市化进程差异较大,区域城市化不平衡现象依然显著;东部沿海部分发达省区城市化程度较高、速度较快;东北和西部省区城市化水平发展相对较慢、城市化水平也是最低;而京津沪三个直辖市已经进入城市化的稳定增长阶段,未来提升的速度和幅度都不高。 - 关键词:
城市化水平;双轨城市化;类型划分;差异分析; - Abstract: Since 1990, our country entered a fast development period of urbanization. This paper makes a comparative analysis of the concept and scope of urban-rural areas in China by describing their urbanization process during the 1990s. Considering the inconsistence of urban-rural statistical definition between the fourth and fifth census in China, the urbanization levels in different provinces and different phases are incomparable. According to dual-track urbanization, the urbanization levels are adjusted for each province, and then, a correlative analysis is applied to model the relationship between the adjusted-urbanization levels and economic development levels of each district. Five evolutive types of urbanization are inferred in Chinese provinces in the 1990s. Conclusion is drawn that the discrepancy of urbanization is very notable because of the different economic levels. The urbanization levels of eastern coastal regions have a conspicuous improvement, but a slower speed in northeast and western regions of China. Three municipalities directly under the central government have stepped into the phases of stable development.
- Key words: urbanization level; dual-track urbanization; type classification; differentiation analysis
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