- 城市交通
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2006)03-0066-04
- 中图分类号:U491.1 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:徐永能(1972-),男,东南大学交通学院博士研究生,研究方向为载运工具运用工程;
- 我国大城市快速公交功能定位及其适应性分析——以天津市快速公交规划为例
- The Applicability and Function Orientation of the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in the Big Cities of China: A case of Tianjing
- 浏览量:
- 徐永能 李旭宏 朱彦东
- XU Yong-neng LI Xu-hong ZHU Yan-dong
- 摘要:
国外快速公交的成功实践能否在我国大城市中出现,需要结合城市经济发展趋势、城市空间结构、政策、客流条件和道路条件等因素进行具体分析。如何在我国大城市社会经济发展的不同阶段合理确定城市内部不同类型公共客运交通方式的功能,特别是如何合理进行快速公交与轨道交通的功能定位是快速公交适应性研究的前提,因为它不仅可直接影响城市交通系统当前及未来规划年内各公共交通方式的发展趋势,而且可促进城市有限时空资源的合理配置和提高资源的利用效率。 - 关键词:
大城市;快速公交;功能定位;适应性; - Abstract: Whether the overseas succeeding planning experience of BRT(bus rapid transit) could appear in the big cities of China or not, should be analyzed by developing tendency of urban economy, urban space arrangement, urban policy, passengers and road conditions and so on. At the same time, a key problem to know about the function orientation of the different commonality passenger transport, especially about BRT and urban mass transit must be solved firstly in the different phases of the community economics in the big cities of China, which would promote the scheme with limited recourses in reason and used efficiency, and influence the evolving tendency of all kinds of public passenger transport in the city.
- Key words: big bity; bus rapid transit (BRT); function orientation; applicability
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