- 城市文化
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2006)04-0014-06
- 中图分类号:F291;C912.81 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:姚准,东南大学建筑学院城市规划专业博士研究生。
- 藏地城镇空间地域特征的宗教成因
- A Religionary Factor in Regional Characteristic of Town Space in Zang District
- 浏览量:
- 姚准
- 摘要:
宗教是文化的一种特殊形态。本文试图通过宗教这种文化因素来解析城镇空间和地域文化之间的相互关系。研究显示出,影响藏地城镇空间的文化因素,并不完全在于宗教本身,更在于宗教影响下的社会生活方式。宗教正是通过世俗化,调和了仪式性习惯和行为习惯的矛盾,调和了文化之于城市化的某些矛盾,从而更强化了城镇的地域文化特征。 - 关键词:
宗教;地域特征;文化;生活方式;城市化; - Abstract: Religion is a kind of special form of culture. This paper proceeds with religion and attempts to explain the correlation between town space and region culture through religion as a cultural factor. The research indicates that the cultural factor affecting town space in Zang district was not consisted in religion completely, and was more consisted in social lifestyle under religious influence. It is through secularization that religion has mediated the contradiction between ceremony custom and behavior custom, and the contradiction between culture and urbanism, and so has strengthened the regional characteristic of town space by mediating contradiction.
- Key words: religion; regional characteristic; culture; lifestyle; urbanism
- 在西部大开发的宏观战略背景之下,我国西部城镇空间发展面临着极大的机遇和挑战。处理好城镇的社会经济发展和地域文化特征保护之间的关系问题,成为城市规划专业研究的当务之急。藏地城镇是我国西部城镇中,地域文化特征较为明显的……
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