- 城市规划
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2006)05-0049-04
- 中图分类号:U491.1 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:陈鹏(1980-),男,东南大学博士研究
- 发展CBD新区生态交通的思考
- Consideration on Developing Ecological Traffic in New CBD
- 浏览量:
- 陈鹏 李旭宏 罗剑
- CHEN Peng LI Xu-Hong LUO Jian
- 摘要:
本文分析了中央商务区作为特定区域的五个方面的交通特点及中央商务区与城市交通之间的关系,指出两者的矛盾是必然存在的。城市交通系统在一定程度上决定了CBD的区位,城市交通规划和建设要从根本上支持CBD的中心地位。最后说明了生态交通的含义,指出CBD新区应从交通网络、交通工具、交通设施、交通对象与交通环境等几个方面来考虑CBD生态交通发展问题,并提出了六点对策。 - 关键词:
CBD新区;生态交通;对策; - Abstract: Five traffic characteristics of Central Business District (CBD) are discussed, and the relation between CBD and urban traffic is analyzed. It is pointed out that there exists conflict certainly. Urban transportation determines the location of CBD to some degree, and traffic planning and construction must support the center position of CBD. Finally, the meaning of ecological traffic is explained. And it is pointed out that traffic problems in new CBD area should be solved from traffic network, vehicle, means of transportation, traffic object and traffic environment, and six countermeasures are brought forward in the paper.
- Key words: new CBD; ecological traffic; countermeasure
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