- 城市竞争力
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2006)05-0015-06
- 中图分类号:F290 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:004~2005年度青岛市社会科学重点规划研究课题。
- 作者简介:山东科技大学经济管理学院。
- 基于核心能力的青岛城市经营与发展模式
- Qingdao City Operation Pattern Based on Core Competence
- 浏览量:
- 课题组成员:韩沚清、刘中文、吴文文、李芳、楚蓓;本文执笔:李芳
- 摘要:
城市体制、城市文化和城市品牌构成城市经营的软环境,产业生态经济、港口旅游经济和区域经济是硬环境的组成。基于核心能力的青岛城市经营就是从软、硬环境两方面着手,通过多元、立体、综合的城市经营手段,实现青岛的和谐、持续发展。 - 关键词:
城市经营;品牌;核心能力;青岛; - Abstract: City management system, city culture and city brand are the main factors of city software, and city hardware consists of industry of eco-economy, open port and tour economy and regional economy. Based on the core competence of Qingdao, the city management pattern is to keep its harmonious and sustainable development by the overall management, which includes the two sides of software and hardware.
- Key words: city management; name brand; core competence; Qingdao
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