- 城市规划
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2006)05-0040-06
- 中图分类号:TU984.12 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:李琳琳,东南大学建筑学院2003级硕士研究生、主要研究方向为城市设计;
- 美国建筑设计评估控制方法对国内设计控制的启示
- Revelations on the Controlling of Domestic Design from the Controlling Methods of Architecture Design in America
- 浏览量:
- 李琳琳 王建国
- LI Lin-lin WANG Jian-guo
- 摘要:
随着我国城市化的快速发展,城市空间环境的建设性破坏问题日益突出,原因之一是我国城市规划编制工作尚不成熟;另一方面则是城市规划设计实施管理中缺乏有效管控手段所致。本文引介并分析了美国有关城市建筑影响的评估方法,以期给国内相关设计及管理带来启示。 - 关键词:
美国;城市空间环境;评估;控制;; - Abstract: With the rapid urbanization in china, the issues in the destructive construction of physical environment become remarkable. There are two reasons for this. The first is that the urban planning practice is far from mature; the another is that there are few effective methods of control in running .This article introduces and analyses the evaluating methods for building in urban context in America in order to bring revelation to interrelated design and management in china .
- Key words: America; physical environment; assessment; control
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