- 城市研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2006)06-0023-07
- 中图分类号:F291.1 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:黎仕明(1975-),男,四川大学城市研究所2004级博士研究生。
- 政治·经济·文化——中国城市发展动力的三重变奏
- Politic, Economy and Culture:The Triple Impetus Variation of Chinese Urban Development
- 浏览量:
- 黎仕明
- LI Shi-ming
- 摘要:
依据城市发展动力的主次与强弱,可将中国城市发展分为三个历史时期,即古代农业社会政治军事主导时期、近现代工业社会经济支配时期及20世纪末期以来信息社会文化决定性制约时期。文章重点分析了前两个历史时期城市的不同发展途径、发展模式和发展水平,考察了文化在当今城市可持续发展道路中的特殊地位与作用,并进一步强调了实施文化战略的重要性。 - 关键词:
政治;经济;文化;城市发展动力; - Abstract: According to the primary and strength of the impetus for urban development, the development of Chinese city can be divided into three phases: the ancient time, in which politic decides the city development; the modern time, in which economy dominates the city development; and the information society since the late 20th century, in which culture restricts the city development. This thesis focuses on analyzing the city's development way, model, and level in the former two periods, and then explores the special position and function of culture in sustainable urban development, which is followed by the emphasis on essentiality of carrying out the cultural strategy.
- Key words: politic; economy; culture; the city development
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