- 城市管理
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2006)06-0083-06
- 中图分类号:F293.2 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:顾翠红(1970-),女,中山大学地理科学与规划学院区域与城市规划系博士生,研究方向为区域与城市规划
- 新加坡适应知识经济的土地利用形式管理和控制
- The Management and Control of City Land Utilization form Adapting Knowledge Economy in Singapore
- 浏览量:
- 顾翠红
- GU Cui-hong
- 摘要:
新加坡经济从以转口贸易为主转向以制造业和服务业为主,从劳动密集型转向资金、技术密集型,知识经济发展水平举世瞩目。为顺应知识经济的迅变特点,新加坡政府规划管理部门采用灵活、弹性的管理方式,为知识经济发展营造了良好的外部环境。在近10年来的概念规划、总体规划和以宪报形式出台的其他计划、土地利用规划指引中充分体现了适应知识经济的城市土地利用形式管理控制思路。 - 关键词:
新加坡;知识经济;城市土地利用方式; - Abstract: The economy of Singapore has changed from the trade-centred to the manufacture and service, and from the labor intensive form to fund and technology intensive as well, its development level of knowledge economy has attracted worldwide attention. In order to complying with the rapidly changing characteristic of knowledge economy, Singapore government selects a kind of elastic and flexible management method and has built the good exterior environment for the knowledge economy development. During the near 10 years, the conception plan, the master plan and the other land utilization planning direction which appeared by the circular form have fully manifested the mentality which the city land utilization form management control must adapt the knowledge economy.
- Key words: Singapore; knowledge economy; city land utilization form
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