- 城市管理
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2006)06-0065-08
- 中图分类号:X21; TU984 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:郑文瑞,同济大学城市规划与设计专业02级博士生,现就职于无锡市联诚投资管理顾问有限公司。
- 台湾台北市绿色生态城市规划案例研究
- A Case Study of Taipei Eco-city Experience
- 浏览量:
- 郑文瑞
- ZHENG Wen-rui
- 摘要:
可持续发展理论可以说是21世纪全球人类社会高度认同、影响力最强的理论,是用以协调解决诸多全球资源耗竭、全球气候变迁、全球人口暴增所导致的粮食、健康条件不足,改善人类居住环境及环境污染等课题的重要出路。“可持续发展城市”是指一个城市的发展,是建构在可持续发展的理念和目标上,达到环境可持续性(生态、自然、资源)、社会持续性(人口发展、社会福利、地区平衡)及经济可持续性(永续发展、分配的适当性、效率)。本文探讨了台北市在迈向21世纪的可持续发展过程中,所采取的可持续发展理论观念、态度与实践方法,以作为推动城市可持续建设与发展的参考。 - 关键词:
可持续发展;可持续发展城市;绿色生态城市;规划;台北; - Abstract: The theory of sustainable development is the highest recognizable and most powerful one in 21st century. It can be implemented in solving the earth抯 limitation of resources, the changes of climate, the lack of foods, healthy problem caused by rapid growth of population. It is also the best way to improve living environment and solve environmental pollution. A sustainable city is functioned on sustainable environment (ecology, nature and resources protection), sustainable society (sustainable population growth, good social welfare, equivalent chances of different areas), sustainable economy (sustainable development, suitable share of economic, efficiency of development. The case study of sustainable Taipei city is to reveal the sustainable theory, concept, ideas and implementation of Taipei in the way toward a sustainable city.
- Key words: sustainable development; sustainable city; eco-city; planning; Taipei
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