- 城市经济
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2006)07-0040-06
- 中图分类号:F120.3 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:付磊,同济大学建筑与城市规划学院博士生。
- 全球化和信息化进程中城市经济空间结构的演变特征与趋势
- The Characters and Trends of Urban Economic Spatial Structure during the Process of Globalization and Information
- 浏览量:
- 付磊
- FU Lei
- 摘要:
当前社会发展的一个重要特征是信息社会的来临,经济特征则是全球化、信息化和网络化的交织。在此背景下,城市经济结构经历了由工业经济向后工业经济的转变,而城市经济的空间结构也相应地进行着重组。本文从全球城市体系以及城市自身两个层面对全球化和信息化进程中的城市经济空间结构的演变特征与趋势进行了阐释。 - 关键词:
全球化;信息化;城市经济空间结构;演变特征;趋势; - Abstract: The coming of information society is one of the most important characters of the current societal development, while the economic characters are the globalization, information and the rise of the network society. During this process, urban economic structure will be changed from industrial to post-industrial, together with the restructuring of urban spatial structure. The paper discusses these evolution characters and new trends from two facets of global economic system and city itself.
- Key words: globalization; information; urban economic spatial structure; characters, trends
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