- 都市圈
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2006)08-0005-07
- 中图分类号:F061.5 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:上海市哲学社会科学基金“上海大都市圈内首位城市与其他城市间的相斥效应、共生机制及其协调”(批准号:2005BCK004)。
- 作者简介:高汝熹(1941-),上海交通大学城市与区域经济研究所所长,经济与管理学院教授,博士生导师,主要研究方向,城市与区域经济、产业经济;
- 论都市圈的整体性、成长动力及中国都市圈的发展态势
- Some Theoretic Questions about Metropolitan Regions and the Development of Metropolitan Regions in China
- 浏览量:
- 高汝熹 罗守贵
- GAO Ru-xi LUO Shou-gui
- 摘要:
都市圈不同于一般的城市地区,也不同于一个个单体城市,而是有着自身的特点和形成与演化规律。本文从都市圈的内涵出发,探讨了有关都市圈的若干理论,包括都市圈的五种整体效应:集聚效应、规模效应、结构效应、成本效应和品牌效应;在此基础上分析了都市圈形成的三种要素:区位因素、基础设施和人文要素,以及都市圈成长的四种动力机制:市场机制、制度建设与竞争合作机制。在文章的最后一部分,基于上述有关理论,对中国的都市圈进行了评价和态势分析。 - 关键词:
都市圈;形成机制;成长动力;评价; - Abstract: Metropolitan region is different from a general city region and individual city, has its own characteristics and disciplinarians of forming and evolvement. Beginning with the definition of a metropolitan region, this article discusses some theoretic questions about metropolitan region, including the dominant of central city, the finitude of metropolitan scope, the theory of cooperation, competition, harmony and win together. And it analyses the five effects of metropolitan region-convergence effect, scale effect, structure effect, cost effect and brand effect. Based on the above, it analyses three elements of its forming and four drives of its growing. The three forming elements are location element, infrastructure, human element, while the four growing drives are market mechanism, system construction and competition-cooperation mechanism. At the end of the article, the authors evaluate the development of metropolitan regions in China based on the relative theories about metropolitan regions.
- Key words: metropolitan regions;forming mechanism;growing drive;evaluation
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