- 城市规划
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2006)08-0044-07
- 中图分类号:U491.1 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:陈卫国(1976-),男,规划师,深圳市城市规划设计研究院。
- 地铁车站周边地块合理开发强度之初探——由深圳市轨道交通二期工程详细规划说起
- The Discussion of Rational Eexploitation Strength in the Plot around the Metro Station:Starting with the Detailed Plan of Rail Transport in Second Phase in Shenzhen
- 浏览量:
- 陈卫国
- CHEN Wei-guo
- 摘要:
在轨道建设实践中,站点处于不同地段、不同车站类型、不同的用地功能组织,车站周边地块就会有不同的开发强度。本文主要采用列表对比的形式,运用国际相关理论和相关成功的经典案例对这些相关因素进行探讨,主要分析这些相关因素与站点周边地块开发容积率的关系,提出了车站周边地块合理的开发强度。 - 关键词:
车站周边地块;合理开发强度;容积率;初探; - Abstract: In the practice of orbit construction, there will be different exploitation strength in the plot around metro station according to the station locates, station type and functional organization. So, how much is the exploitation strength fit for? This article adopts the form of contrast, making use of the international related theories and successful classic cases, analyzing the relationships between the correlation factors and the exploitation of plot ratio in station rim, and proposing the rational exploitation strength in the plot around the metro station.
- Key words: plot around the station; rational exploitation strength; plot ratio; study
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