- 都市圈
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2006)08-0018-07
- 中图分类号:TU981 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:吕斌,北京大学城市与区域规划系主任、教授;
- 我国城市群空间规划方法的转变与空间管制策略
- Approaches to Space Planning and Regulation Policy of Urban Agglomerations in China
- 浏览量:
- 吕斌 陈睿
- LV Bin CHEN Rui
- 摘要:
城市群的迅速发展成为我国快速城市化进程中最主要的地域结构特征。随着我国经济发展战略的地域转移,城市群被视为带动省域乃至国家经济区发展的战略核心,我国城市群的发展面临着城市群竞争力提升、空间协调发展、空间发展引导、以及环境与生态系统优化等问题。本文分析了城市群规划需要实现的十个转变和需要实践的新方法,并依据城市群面临的核心问题和规划采取的主要方法总结了城市群空间管制策略的四个类型,即区域协调型、一体化引导型、竞争力培育型、空间管制型,并对山东半岛城市群规划的空间管制策略进行了剖析。 - 关键词:
城市群空间规划;空间管制;城市群竞争力;协调发展;山东半岛城市群; - Abstract: The rapid development of urban agglomerations becomes the most important feature of regional spatial structure in China during the period of rapid urbanization. The spatial transfer of economic development strategy in China makes urban agglomerations become the core of provinces and national economy areas. The development of urban agglomerations faces a lot of problems such as the increasing competition power, spatial coordination, spatial direction, and ecological optimizing. This paper analyzes the ten conversions of approach to planning for urban agglomerations and the new planning methods, and summarizes the four types of spatial regulation policy in China, including the pattern of regional coordination, pattern of integrating direction, pattern of competitive power cultivation and pattern of spatial regulation. In the end, the paper introduces the approach to planning and spatial regulation policy of urban agglomerations in Shandong peninsula.
- Key words: spatial planning of urban agglomerations; spatial regulation; competition power of urban agglomerations; regional coordination development; Shandong peninsula urban agglomerations
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