- 发展战略
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2006)08-0065-09
- 中图分类号:F291.1 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:段继业(1962-),男,南京晓庄学院人文学院教授,研究方向社会学;
刘传河(1962-),男, 青海格尔木市委副书记。
- 进藏咽喉——格尔木市的城市定位问题
- The Throat of Entering Tibet: Research of Orienting City Position of Geermu
- 浏览量:
- 段继业 刘传河
- DUAN Ji-ye LIU Chuan-he
- 摘要:
格尔木市是中国西部边陲的一个小城市,但因其扼进藏咽喉的特殊地理位置和重要的战略地位而闻名。随着青藏铁路的开通,格尔木市的地位和知名度必将加速提升,完全有望成为中国远西部的一个城市明星。但这取决于正确城市定位战略。本文从功能定位和形象定位两个方面对格尔木的城市定位问题提出了看法。 - 关键词:
格尔木;城市定位;功能;形象; - Abstract: Geermu is a small city of the backland of western region in China, and known for its special geographic position and important strategic positions of the throat of entering Tibet. With the railroad of Qinghai-Tibet opened, the position and popularities of Geermu will be promoted rapidly, which probably makes it a star-city in the western region in China. But this is decided by the right orienting city position strategy. This paper concludes with the viewpoints to this problem of Geermu from two aspects, functional position and image position.
- Key words: Geermu; orienting city position; function; image
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