- 城市经济
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2006)09-0059-06
- 中图分类号:F293.3 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:南京市“十一五”建设事业发展规划房地产与住宅产业专项规划子课题。
- 作者简介:浦晓天(1977-),男,东南大学房地产研究所在职博士研究生,现就职于南京市建设委员会房地产开发处,主要研究方向为房地产经济及工程项目管理;
- 南京房地产业增加值与地区生产总值的数量关联研究
- Quantitative Correlation Analysis of Real Estate Industry and GDP in Nanjing City
- 浏览量:
- 浦晓天 曹学军
- PU Xiao-tian CAO Xue-jun
- 摘要:
阐述房地产业的产业特性、定位及其与国民经济中的互动关系,对比美国、日本等发达国家,我国香港地区以及北京、上海、深圳、南京等城市房地产业增加值与国内(地区)生产总值的情况,建立南京房地产业增加值与地区生产总值的ECM计量经济模型;对比国内先进城市,提出南京房地产业的发展规模、增长速度建议。 - 关键词:
房地产业增加值;地区生产总值;ECM模型; - Abstract: This article presents the characteristics of real estate industry and its correlation with national economy. It compares the real estate industry added value and the regional GDP data of cities from developed countries such as US and Japan, along with Chinese cities such as Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Nanjing. An ECM econometric model between the real estate industry added value and the regional GDP for real estate industry is established for the city of Nanjing. Recommendations are made on development scale and the growth rate of Nanjing real estate industry based on comparisons with other advanced cities in China.
- Key words: real estate industry added value; GDP; ECM model
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