- 历史文化特色保护与创新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2007)01-0009-04
- 中图分类号:I253 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:邵靖,苏州大学艺术学院讲师。
- 古韵今风——论苏州城市意象元素
- Ancient Rhyme and Contemporary Currents: On the Image Factor of Suzhou City
- 浏览量:
- 邵靖
- SHAO Jing
- 摘要:
城市意象是一个城市在人们心中的印象,包括区域、边界、道路、节点和标志物五大意象元素。苏州是一个有着2500多年历史的文化古城,在历史的沧桑变迁中,城市意象不断改变着,现代化飞速发展的今天,苏州又呈现给人们什么城市意象呢?本文着重介绍了苏州城市意象元素的变迁,阐述苏州如何在世人面前展示着古韵今风。 - 关键词:
意象;城市意象; - Abstract: The image of a city is the impressions of the city in the thinking of person. It includes five elements, i.e. district, edge, path, node and landmark. Soochow is a cultural city and has the history of 2,500 years. The time brings a great change to the worlds. The image of Soochow always changed. Today the development of modernization is at very fast speed. What image of the city do Soochow brings to the people now? This article introduces the variance of the elements of the images of Soochow and how Soochow show the old lingering charm and today抯 elegant demeanor to the earthling.
- Key words: image; the image of the city
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