- 城市研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2007)01-0029-05
- 中图分类号:F293 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:本文系建设部软课题“PPP模式下项目的政策规制及合同设计研究”(06-R3-22)的部分研究成果。
- 作者简介:邓小鹏(1972-),男,讲师,博士生,就职于东南大学建设与房地产研究所,主要研究方向为建设工程管理;
- 城市公共项目中PPP模式内涵解析及相关概念辨析
- Interpretation of Characters and Related Conceptions for PPP Model in Urban Public Projects
- 浏览量:
- 邓小鹏 李启明 申立银 李先光 沈良峰
- DENG Xiao-peng LI Qi-ming SHEN Li-yin LI Xian-guang SHEN Liang-feng
- 摘要:
本文在大量的文献阅读的基础上,对城市公共项目中PPP模式给出了较为准确定义,并从参与者、合同、分享、合作等几个方面对PPP的内涵进行了深入的分析,在此基础上对与PPP模式相关的概念:私有化、PFI、PSP、特性经营、BOT、合同外包等作了辨析。对PPP模式内涵的解析和外延的界定,将为制定PPP相关政策法规、在PPP合同中使用标准化术语提供了参考依据。 - 关键词:
公共项目;公私营合作;定义;内涵; - Abstract: Based on comprehensive international literature review an exact definition of PPP model in urban public projects is given in this paper. It analyzes the nature of public private partnership model from participants, contract, sharing and partnership perspectives. Then, Several related conceptions, such as privatization, PFI, PSP, concession, BOT and contract out, are also differentiated and analyzed. To identify characters and scope of PPP model can provide references and guidelines for using normal terminology in establishing PPP policy and designing PPP contract.
- Key words: urban public projects; public private partnership; definition; connotation
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