- 城市生态
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2007)01-0059-06
- 中图分类号:X31 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:李光郑(1975-),广西玉林人,广西师范学院资源与环境科学学院硕士研究生,研究方向为生态经济与区域可持续发展。
- 玉林市可持续发展的生态足迹定量评价
- On the Quantitative Valuation of Sustainable Development of Yulin City Based on Ecological Footprint
- 浏览量:
- 李光郑
- LI Guang-zheng
- 摘要:
依据生态足迹计算方法并运用生态服务价值的有关理论,对广西玉林市2004年生态足迹进行了定量计算,结果表明,玉林市2004年人均生态足迹为0.9417h㎡,可利用的人均生态承载力为0.2892h㎡,人均生态赤字为0.6525h㎡,反映了玉林市的生产、生活强度超过了生态系统的承载能力,玉林市生态系统处于过度开发利用的状态。通过分析玉林市人类活动对自然生态系统的压力和影响程度,为玉林市的生态建设和可持续发展战略提供科学依据。 - 关键词:
生态足迹;生态承载力;可持续发展;玉林市; - Abstract: In this paper, the ecological footprints in Yulin in 2004 are calculated by using the method of calculating the ecological footprints and trying to use the theory of ecological service value in the calculation. The results show that the average ecological footprint and the per capita available ecological carrying capacity in 2002 are 0.9417hm2 and 0.2892hm2 respectively, and the ecological deficit is 0.6525hm2 in Yulin. The carrying capacity of the ecosystems in Yulin is under a great pressure. The aims of the analysis on the ecological footprints are to supply a scientific basis for ecological regeneration and sustainable development in Yulin city.
- Key words: ecological footprint; ecological carrying capacity; sustainable development; Yulin city
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