- 城市规划
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2007)10-0045-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:朱彦东(1974-),男,在职博士研究生,东南大学交通学院讲师;
- 城市核心区火车站改造及对地域再开发的影响——以郑州火车站为例
- Influence to Area Re-development by Reconstruction of Railway Station at Urban Core Areas: Case of Zhengzhou Railway Station
- 浏览量:
- 朱彦东 李旭宏 吴炼 单晋
- ZHU Yan-dong LI Xu-hong WU Lian SHAN Jin
- 摘要:
城市核心区火车站改造是我国很多城市面临的问题,通过交通综合体的建设带动周边地域再开发,能够实现火车站与城市核心区这对矛盾体的协调发展。本文以郑州火车站为例,研究了其构建交通综合体的途径及其对周边地区用地开发的影响。 - 关键词:
城市核心区;火车站;改造;郑州; - Abstract: Nowadays, many cities in China are facing the same problem, i.e. the reconstruction of railway station at urban core area. Through the circumjacent areas?re-development promoted by the construction of traffic complex, the coordinating development between railway station and urban core area can be implemented. Based on the case of Zhengzhou railway station, the paper tries to present an approach to construct the traffic complex and the influence to develop the around areas.
- Key words: urban core areas; railway station; reconstruction; Zhengzhou
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