- 城市研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2007)12-0069-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:钱晓青,南京市江宁区规划编制研究中心主任。
- 居住区规划控制指标宜居度的灰色聚类评价
- A Grey Cluster Analysis of Livability on Residential District Planning Controlling Index
- 浏览量:
- 钱晓青
- QIAN Xiao-qing
- 摘要:
通过对居住区规划控制指标生成过程的分析,指出对人均指标的忽视及经验赋值法是造成目前“以人为本”理念的实现无法得到保证的两个主要原因。采用灰色系统理论方法,分析指标体系的灰度,提出能体现居住区人居物质环境质量的“宜居度”指标,并对其展开定量评价。并经实证研究表明,该方法具有计算简便、分辨率高和原有指标信息利用率高等特点,能降低经验取值的主观性,使其更加有效地指导规划设计工作。 - 关键词:
灰色系统;居住区;宜居度;聚类评价; - Abstract: Based on a review of indicators for compiling the existing city planning guidelines in China, this study proposes the concept of people-oriented residential environment can be evaluated by indices of livability in a quantitative way. The study adopts theories and methods of grey system, and tentatively establishes a model for such quantification. Data obtained from real cases are used to test the model, the results indicate that this method has advantages of simple calculation, high resolution, and cost-effective by using large amount of existing indicators of city planning guidelines
- Key words: grey system; residential district; livability; cluster analysis
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