- 创意城市
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2007)12-0032-08
- 中图分类号:F290 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:张婷婷(1983-),女,江苏省无锡市人,南京大学城市与区域规划系在读硕士,主要从事城市问题与城市规划研究;
- 我国创意城市发展理念之反思
- A Reflection on the Development Idea of Creative Cities in China
- 浏览量:
- 张婷婷 徐逸伦
- ZHANG Ting-ting XU Yi-lun
- 摘要:
重点关注我国构建创意城市过程中片面的概念理解、空洞趋同的目标定位和单一的建设模式三方面的问题,在前人研究成果的基础上以城市创意氛围、创意特质为视角重新诠释创意城市的本质,并将其在创新活动的不同阶段——创意理念的产生直至形成一定规模的产业——渗入到城市的经济、社会和政策法规层面,以此指导创意城市的合理定位和多样化模式的建设,从而使其拥有更健康美好且可持续的发展前景。 - 关键词:
创意城市;创意产业;创意产业园区;城市更新; - Abstract: This article focuses on the distortion of definition understanding, goals setting and mode constructing of creative cities in China. And based on the previous researches, a further interpretation of the essence of creative cities is demonstrated here from the angle of creative environment, which is embedded in the economy, community and policy aspects in different periods of innovation in cities, to lead to reasonable orientation and diverse construction mode, so that a healthy and sustainable prospect will be turned out.
- Key words: creative city; creative industry; creative industry park; urban renewal
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