- 城市管理
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2007)12-0045-09
- 中图分类号:F592.1 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:官卫华(1978-),男,城市与区域规划硕士,南京市城市规划编制研究中心战略规划所主管规划师;
- 国家级风景名胜区管理体制创新研究
- Research on the Managerial System Innovation of National Scenic Areas in China
- 浏览量:
- 官卫华
- GUAN Wei-hua
- 摘要:
目前我国综合配套改革正处于全面推进之中。适应此发展形势,本文结合我国国家风景名胜区发展面临的新要求,深入分析了管理过程中存在的问题及其深层原因,并提出了未来管理体制创新的基本思路和实施建议,以此构建我国新型的国家风景名胜区管理体系,实现风景名胜区事业的健康、持续和有序发展。 - 关键词:
国家级风景名胜区;管理体制;创新;特许经营;可持续发展; - Abstract: At present the comprehensive innovation is put in practice in China. Integrating the new position and demand of the managerial system of national scenic areas in China, the author analyzes the problems in the course of management and its deep-seated reasons, brings forward the basal pattern and some reflection of managerial system, in order to construct the new managerial system innovation of national scenic areas in China, and to realize sustainable development of scenic areas career.
- Key words: national scenic areas; managerial system; innovation; special licence management; sustainable development
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