- 城市规划
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2007)02-0015-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:李云(1980-),同济大学城市规划与设计专业硕士,现工作于深圳市城市规划设计研究院城市设计研究所,助理规划师;
- 对公共开放空间量化评价体系的实证探索
- The Demonstration of a Mathematic Estimation System about Public Open Space: A Case Study of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone
- 浏览量:
- 李云 杨晓春
- LI Yun YANG Xiao-chun
- 摘要:
针对国内公共开放空间研究领域内评价标准的缺失,立足深圳特区的实际情况,结合国内外相关研究成果和规划案例,提出了人均公共开放空间和步行可达范围覆盖率两项基准指标,并进一步探讨了趋势性分析。 - 关键词:
公共开放空间;基准指标;量化评价;深圳特区; - Abstract: There is no criterion about public open space in China. Based upon the facts of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, the paper consists mainly three parts. For the first part, it
summarizes many typical cases and study, both
international and domestic. Then, it brings forward two key evaluation index - per capita size
and service area ratio. Finally, it discusses the
trend with method of the two indexes.
- Key words: public open space; key evaluationindex;mathematic estimation; Shenzhen Special Economic Zone
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