- 国外观点速递
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2007)02-0066-12
- 中图分类号:F290 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:Allen J. Scott,美国加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)公共政策系教授。
- 创意城市:概念问题和政策审视
- Creative Cities: Conceptual Issues and Policy Questions
- 浏览量:
- Allen J. Scott / 翻译:汤茂林
- Author: Allen J. Scott / Translator: TANG Mao-lin
- 摘要:
本文代表对创意城市的性质和重要性所进行的一种宽泛而偶然的辩证性思考。作者试图将创意城市放在所谓新经济的背景下,追索这些现象与技术、生产结构、劳动力市场和区位集聚动力之间的联系。我特别希望揭示新经济的结构是如何释放现代城市中的经济和文化创新的特定历史形式的。本文关注各种政策问题,而且更重要的是决策者在企图建立创意城市时面临的一般可能和局限。本文也探讨了全球化的影响,特别提及全球范围的与竞争和合作密切相关的创意城市网络的预期出现。在结论部分,我特别指出创意城市的实际和潜在的某些黑暗面。 - 关键词:
竞争;合作;城市化;新经济;集聚;创意城市; - Abstract: This article represents a broad and occasionally polemical meditation on the nature and significance of creative cities. I seek to situate the concept of creative cities within the context of the so-called new economy and to trace out the connections of these phenomena to recent shifts in technologies, structures of production, labor markets, and the dynamics of locational agglomeration. I try to show, in particular, how the structures of the new economy unleash historically specific forms of economic and cultural innovation in modern cities. The argument is concerned passim with policy issues and, above all, with the general possibilities and limitations faced by policymakers in any attempt to build creative cities. The effects of globalization are discussed, with special reference to the prospective emergence of a worldwide network of creative cities bound together in relations of competition and cooperation. In the conclusion, I pinpoint some of the darker dimensions - both actual and potential - of creative cities.
- Key words: competition; cooperation; urbanization; new economy; agglomeration
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