- 文章编号:1009-6000(2007)02-0023-10
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:徐丹(1980-),同济大学建筑与城市规划学院城市规划专业硕士研究生。
- 论城市肌理——城市人文精神复兴的重要议题
- On City Texture: The Important Theme of the Civil Spirit’s Revival
- 浏览量:
- 徐丹
- XU Dan
- 摘要:
肌理对于城市意象的锻造是强烈而持续的,它不仅从物质环境建设角度表征了一个城市的发展,更从人文美学角度解说了一个城市的历史文脉,影射着人们活跃的生活场景。因而,肌理美学对于城市设计来说是一条重要的线索,对构建城市街区的空间结构、保持当地人群的生活模式、恢复有特色的人文景观有着重要指示作用。本文从建筑格局、道路网格、地块界线等线索入手对肌理在复兴城市人文精神方面的实质作用与意义进行了阐述和分析,并通过上海市衡山路—复兴路历史文化风貌保护区规划这一案例来解说。 - 关键词:
肌理;人文精神;建筑格局;道路网格; - Abstract: The texture has significant and lasting influence on city image. It reflects city progress through material construction and also the civilization and history from the view of civil esthetics. The texture is an important clue of urban design. It has indicative role to the blocks抯pace structure, to the conservation the life style of native people, and the revival the special civil sights. This article analyses these clues such as the patterns of architectures, the grids of roads and the boundaries of the lands to expatiate the influence of the texture to revive the spirit of city抯 civilization. It is interpreted by the case of Preservation Planning of Henshan and Fuxing Road Historical District.
- Key words: texture; civil spirit; architecture pattern; road grid
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