- 城市规划
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2007)03-0004-09
- 中图分类号:TU984.12 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:周建军,上海市宝山区规划管理局局长,教授级高级规划师、博士生;
- 公平与和谐:城市安置型社区规划与实施之后评析——以上海市通河社区为例
- Fair and Harmonious: Afterwards Evaluate about Plan and Implement of City Allocation Community
- 浏览量:
- 周建军 王静
- ZHOU Jian-jun WANG Jing
- 摘要:
通河社区是典型的城市安置型社区,主要包括大市政动迁、小三线回沪和大企业职工安置三大类。本文通过对通河社区发展规划实施了近三年来的情况进行反馈调查研究,分析了目前通河社区在发展中存在的综合矛盾和社会问题,并就上海市新一轮发展中提出的社区网络化管理以及控制性详细规划编制单元和行政单元相结合的新思路,结合通河社区规划的实施反馈,尝试性地提出了社区自治管理与更新发展的新思路。 - 关键词:
公平与和谐;安置型社区;社区网络化管理;后评析; - Abstract: Tonghe Community is a typical municipal allocation community, and the residents there arise mainly from the three kinds of allocations as major municipal movements, small third line returnee allocation and employee allocation of major enterprises. After analyzing the complex conflicts and social problems occurring during the development of Tonghe Community through the feedback investigation and research of the latest three years’ execution of Tonghe Community’s development plan, this article attempts to deliver a new community development approach combining autonomous management and upgraded development by utilizing the feedback of the execution of the layout of Tonghe Community and the absorbing of the new thought issued during the new development cycle of Shanghai City that the network management of community should be combined with the detailed control plan units and the administrative units.
- Key words: fair & harmonious; allocation community; network management of community; afterwards evaluate
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