- 文章编号:1009-6000(2007)03-0081-08
- 中图分类号:TU984.12 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:夏非,东南大学建筑设计院,东南大学建筑系03级研究生。
- 公共空间和公共生活——南京阳光广场、西安门、汉中门市民广场调研报告
- Public Space and Lives of Citizens
- 浏览量:
- 夏非
- XIA Fei
- 摘要:
作为城市的公共空间,市民广场在城市公共生活中扮演着重要的角色。广场的使用率和使用者对广场的满意度是广场设计的评价基本标准。本文通过南京几个广场的调查,了解这些广场的使用形态,并进行品质方面的比较,以探求广场设计的一般规律——即设计应该从人的日常生活出发,创造出人性化的空间。 - 关键词:
市民广场;调研;人的行为;设计建议; - Abstract: As public spaces of cities, civil squares play an important role in the lives of citizens. The ratio of utilization and the satisfaction degree of the users are two of the primary standards to evaluate the designs. With investigations of several civil squares in Nanjing, the author tries to study the state of using in these squares, compare them in quality, and probe into some general rules of the square design - the design of civil squares should be started from the people's everyday life, to create the space not only for the people but also of the people.
- Key words: civil square; investigation and study; person's behavior; proposal of design
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