- 城市交通
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2007)03-0043-04
- 中图分类号:U121 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:于百勇(1966-), 东南大学交通学院道路与铁道工程博士研究生。
- 关于南京城市轨道交通管理模式选择的思考
- The Analysis for Management Model Choices of Nanjing Urban Mass Transit
- 浏览量:
- 于百勇
- YU Bai-yong
- 摘要:
本文从分析国内外城市轨道交通管理模式的理论与实践探索出发,运用圆周城市模型关于自然垄断产业网络效应的基本结论,指出城市轨道交通属于自然垄断产业,且网络效应明显,采取投资、建设、运营、商业资源开发一体化模式,能增加消费者剩余和社会净福利水平,进而指出南京城市轨道交通管理模式改革,应坚持投资、建设和运营一体化的方向及措施建议。 - 关键词:
城市轨道交通;自然垄断产业;网络效应;一体化管理; - Abstract: Based on the research of theories and experiences for model choices of urban mass transit from home and abroad, the paper defines the network-effects of nature-monopoly industries, and testifies that the network-effects can improve surplus of consumers and the level of net social welfare through Spatial competition in circular city model, and validates the conclusion based on the experience of several cities management system reform. At final, it points out the management model reforming direction of the Nanjing urban mass transit, and suggests the steps and measures to be executed.
- Key words: urban mass transit; nature-monopoly; network-effects; integrated management system
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