- 旧城改造与保护
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2007)03-0047-10
- 中图分类号:TU984.11 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:裘行洁.江苏省城市规划设计研究院
- 福建长汀古城保护与新区协调发展研究
- On Coordination with Ancient City Protection and New Area Development
- 浏览量:
- 裘行洁 祁毅 徐建刚
- Qiu Xing-jie Qi Yi XU Jian-gang
- 摘要:
本文是在长汀总体规划工作中对其传统文化和历史文化地位进行分析,并对长汀物质和非物质文化的遗存作了系统的总结与理解。进行了科学论证后。提出:“长汀作为国家级历史文化名城,古城是长汀的根本之所在。”在经济发展的同时,古城保护是第一位必须要做的工作。文章进而分析探讨了长汀在城市定位时应注意的问题,提出只有在对古城充分保护的前提下,满足城市发展提出的新要求,使古城的物质文化和非物质文化同时得以延续与发展,才是历史文化名城发展之路。本文所论证的问题,对经济起飞期的其它历史文化名城在城市定位时有积极的参考意义。 - 关键词:
城市发展;古城保护;协调;长汀; - Abstract: The paper consists of analysis which has been made in the master planning of Changting on its traditional and historical culture status. The paper systematically summarizes both material and immaterial culture legacies of Changting. By understanding them and reasoning, the paper puts forward a conclusion, ‘As a national famous historical and cultural city, the ancient city of Changting is the ultimate root of Changting’. Beside the economical development, protection of the ancient city must be given first priority to. The paper then discusses the problems which need attention in selection of city orientation. The results of study show that the best way of development of a famous historical and cultural city is to continue and develop both material and immaterial culture of the ancient city in order to meet the requirements of urban development. But all of these must be done with well protection of the ancient city remaining. The problems discussed in the paper can be a profitable reference for other famous historical and cultural cities on their selection of city orientation.
- Key words: urban development; ancient city protection; coordination; Changting
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