- 历史街区保护与旧城更新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2007)04-0043-05
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:赵天英,昆明理工大学城市规划专业2004级硕士研究生;
- 历史街区保护的外部经济性及其内部化探讨
- External Economies of the Conservation of Historic District and its Internalization
- 浏览量:
- 赵天英 刘军华
- ZHAO Tian-ying LIU Jun-hua
- 摘要:
外部经济性的发挥是历史街区保护的主要目的之一,而外部经济性的发挥又是以历史街区得到较好的保护为前提的。对历史街区外部经济性内部化的忽略降低了街区保护活动的经济效率,影响了保护的积极性,制约了保护水平的提高,阻碍了外部经济性的发挥。文章以外部性理论为基础,提出历史街区外部经济性内部化的方法,以期提高历史街区的保护水平,促进街区外部经济性的发挥。 - 关键词:
历史街区保护;外部经济性;内部化; - Abstract: External economies are one of the main destinations for the conservation of a historic district of cities, and external economies are on the premise that a historic district is better conserved. Neglecting internalization of external economies of a historic district would cut down the economy efficiency of conservation of a historic district, affect conservation positivity, confine enhancing of conservation level, and impede external economy. Based on externality theory, the paper proposes the methods of internalization of external economy of a historic district in order to enhance conservation level of the historic district and promote external economies.
- Key words: conservation of historic district; external economy; internalization
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