- 特稿
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2007)04-0004-06
- 中图分类号:TU984.16 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:齐康,男,中国科学院院士,东南大学建筑研究所所长;
- 城市设计中的不可知性和可操作性
- The Inknowability and Operationness in Urban Design
- 浏览量:
- 齐康 张四维
- QI Kang ZHANG Si-wei
- 摘要:
以南京市鼓楼广场周边建筑设计的过程为例,剖析了城市设计中的不可知因素和可操作因素,强调了城市设计过程的系统性、复杂性与长期性,并就全面认识城市设计、做好城市设计工作提出了意见。 - 关键词:
不可知性;可操作性;城市设计; - Abstract: This paper, taking the course of the architectural design around the Drum-Tower Square in Nanjing as an example, analyzes the factors of inknowability and operationness in urban design. It is emphasized that urban design has the characters of system, complexity and lasting, which is followed by author抯 opinions to make full sense of urban design and to make the urban design better.
- Key words: inknowability; operationness; urban design
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