- 国外借鉴
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2007)04-0082-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:蔡海燕,同济大学城市规划系硕士研究生;
- 德国埃姆歇地区的空间、生态和经济更新——从埃姆歇园国际建筑展(1989~1999)到埃姆歇景观公园规划(2000~2010)
- The Spatial Ecological Economic Regeneration of Emscher Area in Germany: From IBA Emscher Park(1989-1999) to Master plan Emscher Landscape Park(2000-2010)
- 浏览量:
- 蔡海燕 彭震伟
- CAI Hai-yan PENG Zhen-wei
- 摘要:
德国埃姆歇地区是鲁尔区的重工业最集中的地区,其空间、生态和经济的更新持续了几十年,现在仍在继续。本文介绍了埃姆歇地区的概况、历史发展和转型战略,重点描述从埃姆歇园国家建筑展到2010年埃姆歇景观公园规划的发展过程和更新内容,对其他老工业地区的空间、生态和经济更新提供借鉴和经验。 - 关键词:
空间;生态;经济;更新;景观公园;埃姆歇; - Abstract: Emscher area is the largest heavy industrial region in Ruhr area, Germany. The regeneration of its space, ecology and economy has continued for a couple of years, and is still going on. This article introduces the general background of Emscher area, its historical development and the transition strategies. Emphases are put on the development steps and regeneration contents during the period from IBA (Internationale Bauausstellung) Emscher park to Master plan of Emscher Landschaftspark 2010. For other old industrial areas, these will be good experience which can be learned from.
- Key words: space; ecology; economy; regeneration; landscape park; Emscher
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