- 城市规划
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2007)04-0038-05
- 中图分类号:F293.31 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:穆江霞,女,西安建筑科技大学建筑学院城市规划与设计专业研究生。
- 西安市建设用地扩展变化研究
- Study on the Expansion of Construction Land in Xi’an
- 浏览量:
- 穆江霞
- MU Jiang-xia
- 摘要:
根据西安市1991~2004年建设用地数据的统计资料,分析了西安市14年间土地数量和用地类型扩展的特点与规律。最后通过计算绝对扩展强度、城市扩张用地系数及异速增长参照速度,定量揭示该地区土地扩展数量变化的速度、幅度,总结得出西安市土地扩展总体上属于适宜增长类型,同时对今后西安用地扩展提出建议。 - 关键词:
西安市;建成区;扩展特征; - Abstract: Firstly, according to the statistics data of construction land in Xi抋n between 1991 and 2004, the land quantity and the expansion of construction land are analyzed. Secondly, by calculating the absolute expansion intensity, the coefficient of urban expansion land and the reference speed of allomertric growth, the speed and range of the land expansion in this city are revealed quantitatively. In the end, a conclusion is drawn that the land expansion in Xi抋n belongs to the suitable increasing type, and at the same time, some advice about the land expansion in Xi抋n in the future is proposed.
- Key words: Xi抋n; urban built-up area; characteristic of expansion
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