- 城市规划
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2007)04-0017-08
- 中图分类号:F592.1 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:余晓峰(1980-),男,西安建筑科技大学硕士研究生;
- 城市规划控制与引导的新思路——探索一种图则化的开放式规划控制体系
- New Thinking on Control and Guidance of Planning
- 浏览量:
- 令晓峰 叶如宁
- Ling xiao-feng ye ru-ning
- 摘要:
剖析了我国规划控制体系的不足,认为控制性规划在覆盖范围、立法和公众参与、落实城市设计、指标体系构建四个方面尚待完善。在借鉴国内外成熟经验的基础上,提出:统一划分城市规划标准分区,整合现有的控制性详细规划、城市设计、各专项规划成果,并将其按法律效力的不同图则化。在规划管理操作时,按照项目性质和用地位置确定相关控制条件,形成规划管理的“一套图”审批。最后,总结今后规划控制体系改进的方向。 - 关键词:
规划管理;规划控制体系;规划标准分区;图则化; - Abstract: This paper firstly analyzes the defects of the planning controlling system in our country, and deems that the controlling planning should be improved in the following aspects: planning area, legislation, public participation, carrying out of planning and index construction. Secondly, based on borrowing the experiences from in and abroad, the author believes that we should divide the standard area of urban planning in general, unite the results of controlling planning, urban design and kinds of special planning, and to form different plan depended on the different power of the law. And in the process of management and operation of the planning, manager should follow the character of the program and poison of the land to decide the relative controlling condition, and form the final 憇et figures?of the planning management. Finally, the paper summarizes the proper directions of planning control system in our country.
- Key words: planning management; planning controlling system; general planning division; to make be figures and regulations
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