- 城市营销
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2007)05-0070-05
- 中图分类号:F290 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:姜亦凤(1982-),女,中国海洋大学法政管理学院硕士研究生,主要研究领域:公共管理与企业经济;
- 体验营销理念在城市营销中的运用
- Experience Marketing Idea in City Marketing Utilization
- 浏览量:
- 姜亦凤 刘文俭
- JIANG Yi-feng LIU Wen-jian
- 摘要:
在城市竞争愈加激烈的今天,城市营销已经成为众多城市经营者关注和经常采用的手段。城市营销与企业营销不同,企业营销的一些理论不能直接为城市营销所用,但是其营销的理念却是城市营销的有力指导。在体验经济时代,城市管理经营者要充分理解和运用体验营销的理念,力求做到:明确营销思路,使城市消费者有正确的体验;全民参与营销,使城市消费者有真实的体验;注重文化建设,使城市消费者有深刻的体验;系统连贯营销,使城市消费者有良好的体验。 - 关键词:
城市营销;体验;体验营销;理念; - Abstract: The increasingly fierce inter-city competition today, city marketing has become a concern of many operators and the city is frequently used tool. City marketing and marketing is different, the theories of marketing cannot be used directly, and however, the idea of marketing is a powerful guidance for city marketing. In the experience economy era, city operators should understand and use the concept of experiential marketing, and realize marketing ideas clearly, so that the consumers have the right experience; should mobilize the people, so that consumers have the authentic experience; should focus on urban culture, urban consumers have a profound experience; should note the consistency of the process, long-term continuity, so that the consumers have a good experience.
- Key words: city marketing; experiences; experience marketing; idea
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