- 城市管理
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2007)05-0062-08
- 中图分类号:F299.27 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:李常生,东南大学建筑学院 城市规划博士生;
- 台湾城市中传统零售(菜)市场与摊贩的现代化方案探讨
- A Study to Modernize Taiwan Traditional Farmers Markets and Street Vendors
- 浏览量:
- 李常生 董卫
- LI Chang-sheng DONG Wei
- 摘要:
传统零售(菜)市场是过去经济未发展起来的产物,摊贩问题是城市中长久以来的弊病,面临快速的城市现代化,传统零售(菜)市场已经逐渐失去原来照顾百姓生活的功能,而摊贩问题如何以疏导方式导入正规的经营方式?如何将这些活在城市历史中的记忆重新改造?以达到城市环境改善,城市再生等均为本文研究的重点。 - 关键词:
传统零售市场;摊贩市场;农夫市场;零售业; - Abstract: Traditional farmer markets long exist before the recent economical development. Facing the rapid modernization of cities, street vendors become a problem in the city and old farmer markets looses their function in providing people the daily needs. This study focuses on how to direct the street vendors into a formal operating pattern and how to restructure these historical memories to improve living environment, in order to achieve the purpose of city revitalization.
- Key words: traditional retailer; street vendors; farmers market; retailer
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