- 发展战略
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2007)05-0010-09
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:郝之颖,中国城市规划设计研究院城市规划与历史名城研究所高级城市规划师,副所长。
- 新建海港城市发展探究——大连长兴岛港城规划发展研究为例
- On New-build-up Harbor City Development: A Case of Changxingdao Area in Dalian City
- 浏览量:
- 郝之颖
- HAO Zhi-ying
- 摘要:
世界经济联系的日益加强,全球经济一体化,中国应对世界经济变动以及能源格局的战略调整,引发了我国新一轮海港城市建设实践。本文结合大连长兴岛海港城市发展项目,采用纵向历史回溯与横向国内外对比的研究方法,对新建海港城市的发展动力、启动方式、空间发展模式选择等进行了探索。提出工业发展是现代新建海港城市发展的直接动力,城市空间多从独立组团式的工业港区逐步成为工业港口城市或功能综合的现代化海港城市。同时强调新建海港城市要关注可持续发展,促进当地和谐社会的建立。 - 关键词:
新建港口城市;发展动力;发展阶段;空间演进; - Abstract: As the world economic contact is getting tightness, China’s strategic adjustment on energy sources, a new trend of thought is brought on new harbor cities building up lately years. The paper studied about the dynamics system to start a new harbor city construction, the key factors on city’s size working-out, and what’s the proper layout by comparing historical and international harbor cities. And the conclusion is that the direct driving force is industry development. Also new harbor cities should focus on sustainable and harmonious development to the region where they are founded.
- Key words: new harbor city; development motivation; development period; space evolvement
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