- 防灾减灾
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2007)05-0075-07
- 中图分类号:X92 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:奚江琳,女,解放军理工大学工程兵工程学院防护建筑教研室副教授;
- 城市防灾减灾的生命线系统规划初探
- Lifeline System Plan of Disaster Prevention and Reduction of the City: A Preliminary Discussion
- 浏览量:
- 奚江琳 黄平 张奕
- XI Jiang-lin HUANG Ping ZHANG Yi
- 摘要:
从现代城市的要求及城市生命线系统的特征入手,解释了我国城市生命线系统的现实问题,探讨了生命线系统规划的对策,指出城市生命线应从两个层次(平时预防、灾时减灾)来进行综合规划,达到生命线系统自身抗灾的同时减少次生灾害,提高城市的整体抗灾能力。文章为现代城市规划系统的完善提供理念与思路,向城市管理决策机构在防灾减灾方面提供了建议和对策。 - 关键词:
防灾减灾;非常态;生命线系统;规划; - Abstract: Beginning with the request of modern city and characteristics of urban lifeline system, This article analyzes the realistic problems of the urban lifeline system in our country, probes into the countermeasure of systematic planning of the lifeline, points out that the urban lifeline should carry on comprehensive planning from two levels ( preventing at ordinary times, and reducing natural disasters at the time of calamity), reaches the systematic reduction secondary disaster while combating a natural disaster by oneself of lifeline, improves the whole anti-disaster ability of the city. The article offers the idea and thinking about the perfection of the modern urban planning idea, offered suggestions in disaster prevention and reduction to policy-making bodies of city management and the countermeasure.
- Key words: disaster prevention and reduction; normality; lifeline system; plan
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