- 发展战略
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2007)05-0004-06
- 中图分类号:J211.22 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:王亚川(1978-),男,海南儋州人,中共广东省委党校硕士研究生,研究方向为战略调整与对外开放研究。
- 论中国发达城市的方略调整——从“经济共富”到“文化共富”
- On the Strategic Transformation of the Developed Cities in China: To Share Wealth from Economy to Culture
- 浏览量:
- 王亚川
- WANG Ya-chuan
- 摘要:
“文化共富”成为中国城市发展的下一个目标。民众消费需求转变是“文化共富”的客观生成机制,文化平权思潮的萌动则是其观念形成背景。在实现“文化共富”的路径上,需要提升民众的文化素养,培育民众的文化消费习惯,提供高品质的公共空间生活,创建“文化创意社区”,大力发展文化产业和文化事业。“文化共富”对和谐社会的构建意义重大。从“经济共富”走向“文化共富”是发达城市方略调整的必由之路。 - 关键词:
文化共富;经济共富;方略调整;发达城市; - Abstract: To share cultural wealth is the next station to developed cities. The transformation of people’s consumption requirements is the objective ingredient, and the thoughts of cultural rights are the subjective context. The route to realize the share the cultural wealth must upgrade the culture accomplishment of people, cultivate the habit of cultural consumption, provide those high quality life of public place, establish cultural and creative community, develop the cultural industries and project. To share cultural wealth is important to society harmonious. The shift from sharing the economic wealth to cultural wealth is inevitable for those developed cities.
- Key words: share richness in culture; share richness in economy; strategic transformation; developed cities
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