- 城市规划
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2007)06-0004-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:尤志斌(1968-),男,同济大学城市规划与设计专业在读硕士生,无锡市规划局副局长,高级规划师、注册规划师。
- 城市总体规划编制方法的改进策略初探
- Preliminary Explorations on the Improvement Measures of Compiling Methods in Comprehensive Planning
- 浏览量:
- 尤志斌
- YOU Zhi-bin
- 摘要:
随着中国特色社会主义市场经济的逐步确立,我国现有的总体规划编制办法急待改进,本文通过对我国城市规划编制办法的分析总结,借鉴其他国家城市规划编制办法,提出了现阶段总规编制工作中应转变观念、提升市域城镇体系规划的法定地位、重视生态远景规划结构、扩展规划用地分类、注重城市设计工作、放开规划编制主体等改进策略。 - 关键词:
总体规划;编制策略;改进方法; - Abstract: With the establishment of the socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics, there is a pressing need for improving the compiling methods of China抯 current comprehensive planning. Through analyzing and summarizing the compiling methods of China抯 urban planning as well as drawing on the experience of other countries in this respect, this thesis puts forward a series of improvement measures, including transforming minds in the current compiling work of comprehensive planning, raising the legal status of urban system planning, emphasizing the long-term eco-planning structure, expanding the catalogue of the planned land for use, stressing the urban designing work, and lifting control over the main body of the compiling work.
- Key words: comprehensive planning; compiling method; improvement measure
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