- 城市设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2007)08-0042-05
- 中图分类号:F590.1 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:卢济威,教授,博导,同济大学建筑城规学院城市设计研究中心主任,同济大学都市建筑设计分院总建筑师,研究方向:城市设计、建筑设计创作和理论研究;
- 城市密集区开发中的历史保护方式探索
- Historical Preservation Method in the Development of High-Density Urban Area
- 浏览量:
- 卢济威 张凡 陈泳
- LU Ji-wei ZHANG Fan CHEN Yong
- 摘要:
城市的发展与保护通常是一对矛盾,在城市密集区开发中的矛盾就显得更加突出。本文通过两个城市设计的案例研究,探索积极的保护方法。其中一个案例是上海西王小区历史保护城市设计,寻找三维方式新老结合的历史保护;另一个是上海武进路206~296号里弄住宅保护城市设计,寻求新旧建筑功能系统化、形态一体化的历史保护。 - 关键词:
城市开发;密集区;历史保护; - Abstract: Development and preservation often stand against each other, especially in the development of high-density urban area. The article tries to explore a positive way of preservation by case-studying of two urban design projects, one of which is Urban Design Xiwang Residential Area-Preservation by Integrating the Old and the New in Shanghai, and the other is Preservation of Lilong Housing of No. 206-296 Wujin Road, Shanghai - Historical Preservation by systemizing the existing and new function, and integrating the urban forms.
- Key words: city development; high-density area; historical preservation
- 1009-6000(2007)08-0042-05
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