- 城市交通
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2007)08-0047-08
- 中图分类号:U491;TU241 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目(40471011)
- 作者简介:李雪铭(1964-),男,江苏常熟人,辽宁师范大学城市与环境学院教授,博导,主要从事城市人居环境、城市化与城市地表过程研究;
- 私家车增长对城市居住空间扩展影响研究——以大连市为例
- The Influence of Private Cars on Residence Spatial Expansion: A Case Study of Dalian
- 浏览量:
- 李雪铭 杜晶玉
- LI Xue-ming DU Jing-yu
- 摘要:
交通系统的发展是触发城市成长的诱导工具,根据“循环与积累因果原则” (Principle of Circular and Causation),私家车增长改变了交通结构,扩大了出行范围,改变了人们的住房观念,从而拓展了城市居住空间,牵引人口、商业区及相关产业逐步向城市边缘区发展,破除市郊壁垒,向更远空间扩散。本文以大连市为例,通过建立计量地理模型研究私家车增长对城市居住空间扩展影响,结果表明:在1990~2004年,居住空间扩展的诸多影响因子中私家车的平均贡献率达到2.14%,并且在三个不同阶段大连居住空间扩展的实际变化情况与模型计算的贡献率变化具有完全同步性;通过对大连市不同方向、不同距离上居住小区私家车数量的调查统计、分析,得出在距市中心5km范围以外,私家车对城市居住空间扩展作用最为突出。 - 关键词:
私家车;居住空间;交通网络;贡献率;大连市; - Abstract: The development of transportation system is a great inducing tool for urban growth. According to the principle of circular and causation, increased private cars greatly improved the transport capacity. The long distance is never an obstacle, which change people抯 house purchasing mind and gradually induce people, commercial centers and related industries to the edge of city and finally make the residential area become larger and broader. This paper takes Dalian as the researching object, setting up the measurement model, evaluating the role of private cars to the residential expansion and analyze the relationship between them. The results show that, in various kinds of influencing factors, private cars抍ontribution rate reaches 2.14% in average from year 1990 to 2004 and the change of residential condition in Dalian is almost the same as the model anticipated in three different stages. Meanwhile, investigating on the private car number of families in different orientation and different distance draw the conclusion that 5 kilometers away from urban center, private cars?effect on residential expansion is the most remarkable.
- Key words: private cars; residential space; transport system; contribution rate; Dalian
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