- 城市交通
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2007)08-0055-05
- 中图分类号:U491.1 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金资助项目(50422283)
- 作者简介:盛玉刚(1975-),男,江苏昆山人,东南大学博士研究生,主要研究方向为道路交通安全与管理;
- 城市外来人员交通安全现状分析及对策研究—以昆山为例
- Analysis of Current Traffic Safety Situation and Countermeasures of Urban Migrants in Kunshan
- 浏览量:
- 盛玉刚 过秀成 王崟 施建福
- SHENG Yu-gang GUO Xiu-cheng WANG Yin SHI Jiang-fu
- 摘要:
城市外来人员在为城市建设做出巨大贡献的同时,也占有并消耗了大量的城市资源,并引发越来越多的交通事故,给城市的交通安全形势带来很大压力。论文以昆山市调查数据为基础,通过总结分析城市外来人员基本出行特征和交通事故特征,找出城市外来人员交通事故主要成因,并提出基于交通源头、出行路径、安全教育等三道防线的预防外来人员道路交通事故的社会化管理对策。 - 关键词:
城市外来人员;交通安全;社会化管理对策; - Abstract: Urban migrants occupied huge city resource with their contribution and lead a lot of traffic accidents. This paper analyzes the trip features and traffic accident features of urban migrants in order to find out the causes of the accidents. Then the paper proposes the countermeasures of socialized management to prevent the traffic accidents caused by migrants based on the three defense: foundation of traffic, trip route and traffic safety education.
- Key words: urban migrants; traffic safety; countermeasure of socialized management
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