- 城市竞争力
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2007)09-0044-06
- 中图分类号:F290 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:马秀贞(1965-),女,山东大学经济系经济学学士,工作单位:青岛市委党校(青岛行政学院)经济学部,主要从事教学和科研工作。
- 城市核心竞争力的理论构建
- The Theoretical Construction of Urban Core Competitiveness
- 浏览量:
- 马秀贞
- MA Xiu-zhen
- 摘要:
城市核心竞争力理论缺乏系统的理论体系,其理论构建必须建立在有关企业竞争力、产业竞争力、区域竞争力、国家竞争力等成熟理论之上,其理论基础主要有:企业“核心竞争力”理论、比较优势原理、竞争优势原理、价值链理论、竞争力评价理论等。本文基于上述理论梳理,构建了城市核心竞争力的理论分析模型:围绕提升城市核心竞争力的目标,城市政府、企业和产业、城市发展环境在提升城市核心竞争力中的作用。提出提升城市核心竞争力应遵循的原则:强化城市比较优势,强化城市竞争优势,挖掘城市潜力优势,转化城市比较劣势等。 - 关键词:
城市;核心竞争力;理论构建; - Abstract: Urban core competitiveness theory is short of systematic theory system, whose theoretical construction must build on competition, mature country competition of theory, whose rationale have mainly in relevant enterprise competition, estate: Enterprise 揷ore competition?theory, comparative advantage principle, competitive edge principle, value chain theory, competition valuation theory etc. The main body of a book have structured the city core competition theoretical analysis model owing to above-mentioned theory carding, the city develops the different in what lifting city core competition middle plays role of environment including hoisting city core competition target, city government, enterprise and industry. Lifting city core competition responds to the principle abiding by: Potential advantage strengthening city comparative advantage, strengthening the city competitive edge, excavating a city, inferior position waits for the conversion city comparatively.
- Key words: city;core competitiveness;theoretical construction
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