- 城市化
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2007)09-0050-08
- 中图分类号:F290 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:王志燕(1981-),女,经济学硕士,山东省建设发展研究院助理经济师,主要研究方向为城市经济与管理、城市与区域发展规划。
- 美国区域性城市化比较研究
- The Comparative Research of American Regional Urbanization
- 浏览量:
- 王志燕
- WANG Zhi-yan
- 摘要:
美国城市化的区域性特征显著,每个区域都有各自增长的周期规律,与全国不一致,并且彼此之间也存在很大的差别。通过比较研究美国四大区域城市化发展的周期和速度、城市人口规模、城市等级结构体系、大都市区化状况、人口流动状况以及未来城市化的趋势等的基本特征,从区域的角度,得出了几点有意义的结论,供各位同行研究参考。 - 关键词:
城市化;美国;区域;大都市区;首位度; - Abstract: The regional character of American Urbanization is prominent, each region has its periodical-disciplinarian, differentiates from the whole nation, and there are prodigious discriminations between each other. It educes a few significant conclusions from the regional angle, by comparing and researching the basic characters of the urbanization period and velocity, the urban population scale, the urban grade-configuration system, the status of metropolization, the status of population fluxion and the trend of urbanization in future of the four regions and so on.
- Key words: urbanization; America; region; metropolitan area; primacy degree
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