- 城市规划
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2007)09-0004-06
- 中图分类号:TU981 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:2005年度重庆市规划科学技术项目(项目名称:控规指标调整的科学性及其制度规范研究,资助机构:重庆市规划局)(该类项目未进行编号)。
- 作者简介:李浩(1979-),男,就职于中国城市规划设计研究院,重庆大学建筑城规学院2006级在职博士研究生,重庆大学城市科学研究会副秘书长,主要从事城市规划理论与方法的教学和研究;
- 社会经济转型期控规指标调整改革探析
- Analysis on Renovation about Index Adjustment of Regulatory Detailed Plan in the Transitional Period
- 浏览量:
- 李浩 孙旭东 陈燕秋
- LI Hao SUN Xu-dong CHEN Yan-qiu
- 摘要:
通过对社会经济转型期控规指标调整基本特征的分析,简要阐述了当前控规指标调整管理工作的困境,主要表现为市场信号的应变滞后、多元利益的表达缺位、城市发展的整体失控等,指出市场经济导向下应推进规划管理变革:构建市场信息的反馈机制、改进管理决策的参与机制、健全依法行政的法制环境以及完善规划调控的经济政策。 - 关键词:
转型期;控规指标调整;改革; - Abstract: By analyzing the characteristics of index adjustment of regulatory detailed plan, this paper presents its corners, including the slow responding to the changes, the lack expression of diversified behalf, and the lose control of city development and so on. Then it conceives an alternative urban administration system for the index adjustment of regulatory detailed plan: constituting the feedback mechanism of market information, ameliorating the participating mechanism of decision-making, constituting the environment of legal system, and consummating the economic policy.
- Key words: transitional period; index adjustment of regulatory detailed plan; renovation
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