- 城市研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2008)01-0061-09
- 中图分类号:F291 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:盛垒(1982-),男,华东师范大学中国现代城市研究中心博士生,主要研究城市地理与区域发展;
- 论创意阶层与城市发展
- Research on Creative Class and Urban Development
- 浏览量:
- 盛垒 马勇
- SHENG Lei MA Yong
- 摘要:
当代社会,知识与创意正在替代传统自然资源和有形劳动成为城市经济增长的主要源泉,而创意型人才则自然而然成为城市可持续发展的决定性力量。创意阶层作为工人阶层、服务阶层之外兴起的又一个新的社会阶层,是培育基于学习、革新和时尚生活方式的新城市经济动力。从地理上看,创意阶层具有独特的区位偏好,创意阶层往往集中在那些能够提供宽松的社会氛围和各种就业机会的多样化城市和区域,创意阶层的密集度与地方多样性呈正相关。从城市发展来看,创意阶层的相对密度与地方经济增长呈正相关,一个城市和地区对于移民、艺术家、同性恋、波希米亚风以及社会经济和种族融合的开放程度与其经济质量的高低有着密切的关系,而创意阶层的集中程度与地方创新和高科技产业生长也有一定的相关性,创意阶层集中的城市往往也是创新和高科技产业发达的创意中心。 - 关键词:
创意阶层;区位;城市;高科技产业; - Abstract: Nowadays the traditional natural resources and tangible labors are being substituted by knowledge and creativity, which are the primary sources of urban economy growth, and the creative people are critical power of urban sustainable development. Creative class, which is a new social class different from labor class and service class, is a new urban dynamic in fostering a new urban economy based on learning, innovation, and the cultivation of modish lifestyles. From the point of geography, creative class always choose those places with diversity, there is a positive correlation between intensity of creative class and regional diversity. As to urban development, there is a significant positive correlation exists between the incidence of the creative class in different cities and local economic growth, between openness to emigration, artist, gay, bohemia and economic quality, there is also a special correlation between creative class density and regional innovation and high-tech industry growth, cities centralized with creative class are always creative centers with developed innovation and high-tech industries.
- Key words: creative class; location; urban; high-tech industry
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